Positions are based on the cumulative Ranking Score. The Ranking Score is calculated in each event against the mean average for your group (not everyone in the event). It indicates how many pins (to one decimal place to improve accuracy) per game you are either ahead or behind.
We need players (and parents) to think more about the “scoring pace” of any particular environment rather than actual score/game average.
For example, you could average 175 in one event and finish 3rd and then in another event average 185 and finish 12th, against the same players. The lower average is the better performance.
Next Events
February 19th – Barnsley YTE/YTC23 Preparation Training
March 18th/19th – Mansfield British Youth Team Open
March 26th – Stroud YTE/YTC23 Preparation Training
May 6th – Dunstable YTE/YTC23 Preparation Training
June 3rd – Dunstable YTE Doubles
June 17th – Altrincham Classic Singles
Mark Heathorn