UPCOMING LIVESTREAMING – Back in Ireland and better than ever

In partnership with Dutch Bowling TV, Irish Open and with special thanks to Michael Roe we will be live from the Irish Open from Thursday afternoon.

All Squads will be LIVE on Facebook and uploaded to Youtube later.

Daytime squads will have limited and guest commentary and evening show will feature daily round ups of the days action including studio interviews and full commentary with guests.

Green Screen virtual storm studio is back and improved. Also for 2017 testing down lane wifi Cam and roaming cam.

We would like to remind and request participants fill in the online player form so we can make sure your fans and friends are better informed. https://wp.talktenpin.net/…/calling-all-irish-open-players-…/

We are looking forward to welcoming you all on the stream and watching it wherever you are in the World.

Please share links and help us get Ireland noticed this weekend.