Go Bowling Shipley – Grass Root Doubles 28/10/18
Today Go Bowling Shipley Lanes hosted another edition of our Grass Root Doubles event. These events are lost cost, handicapped events designed to be enjoyed and welcome younger and lower average bowlers to competitive bowling without bringing the pressure of high stakes bowling. Over the 4 squads we had a 43 out of a possible 44 entries and these were split into 3 divisions: A (Male), B (Female) and C(Mix).
A big thank you goes out to Mr Jeff Taylor, owner of Go Bowling, for being such an amazing host and giving us a great rate on lineage allowing us to raise more money for Shipley YBC without losing any of the prize fund. A second big thankyou goes to Shipley Bowlers Club for donating £50 meaning we were able to give the highest overall team a little extra prize, a third and final thankyou goes to everyone who came and supported this event. Without every single bowler and supporter who comes to these events, they wouldn’t be anything so thank you all!
We ran a Strike Pot in each of our 4 Squads. For those who don’t know, during the first game tickets are sold, once every bowler has had the chance to buy a ticket, one is drawn out at random, if the bowler who purchased the ticket strikes on their next ball they win half the total of all tickets sold that squad, the other half being donated to Shipley YBC.
Squad 1: Paul Rhodes £9.50 – £9.50 to SYBC (First ticket drawn)
Squad 2 : Ian Kennedy £0 – £21 to SYBC (First ticket drawn) Thank you for the donation Ian!!
Squad 3 Carol Rowley £11.50 – £11.50 to SYBC (First ticket drawn)
Squad 4 Jimmy Neal £10.50 – £10.50 to SYBC (6th ticket drawn)
Total raised for Shipley YBC through Strike Pot = £42.50!!
Our smallest division today was Div B (Female). As we were paying out 1:6, with only 4 all-female teams we only paid out 1st place. Div A (Male) managed 18 entries allowing us to pay out down to 3rd. Our Div C (Mix) managed a whopping 21 entries! Allowing us to pay out down to 4th. Thanks to the donation by SBC we also paid £50 to the over all winner. The cashers were as follows.
Div A (Male)
1st – Boyz from Hudz – Mike Cummings and Sam Cummings – 1461 – £80
2nd – Golden Oldies – Ian Berry and Robin Tompkins – 1448 – £60
3rd – Future Zed 2 – Jack Smith and James Burrell – £45
Div B (Female)
1st – The Strikers – Grace Thomis and Susie Webb-£40
Div C (Mix)
1st – Dad & Co – David Birdsall and Helen Birdsall – 1486 -£100
2nd – Pickled Tink – Tori Pickles and Matthew Magson – 1459 – £70
3rd – Double Ditch – Ana Marr and David Marr – 1408 – £50
4th – Dobby’s Revenge – Robin Tompkins and Janet Tompkins – 1393 – £25
And the overall prize of an extra £50 was awarded to Dad & Co.
The entire event ran really smoothly, finishing a whole half an hour before it was due to! Meaning the presentation was able to be done in a relatively quiet centre which is always nice. The total prizes awarded came to £520 plus Strike Pots! Also, after adding in the entry donation to the SYBC donation fund we managed to raise just short of £90 for the YBC, this will make a big difference so thank you everybody! In my eyes this was an extremely successful event, especially as it’s the first I have been left to run on my, and I look forward to running more of these.
Callum Simons
Tournament Manager
28th October 2018