July’s King of the hill – the 3rd event out of 5 in the summer series. This year’s theme is Landmarks. The first event was played on Big Ben, the 2nd on Chichen Itza, and this one was Gateway Arch.
What is “Gateway arch” is it actually even a landmark ! Apparently according to the world wide web, it’s a big arch in st.louis which is in America and it was built to mark the expansion of the United States of America… I mean who cares ! there’s better landmark’s in Hemel then that… we have the magic roundabout ! Perhaps kegel could release the “magic roundabout” pattern !
A bit about these events – The idea is a friendly tournament that will give the bowlers a chance to bowl in a local event on a Kegel “Landmark” pattern. I want to give bowlers a chance to bridge the gap between league/house pattern bowling and an elite “Sports Tournament”. Thanks to our sponsors we are able to keep the price down so it will give you space to learn and grow as a Tournament bowler. I want bowlers to learn and test themselves but at the same time not feel too pressured by the bowling environment – And I hope this series of events will enable you to do that.
A high quality field… Both Teece’s, Ray and Richie, Austin Taylor, Big Ben Robinson who was going for back to back victories – some serious players.
The top 3 scores Scratch were
Big Ben Robison a 237 average
Ray Teece 1328 a 221 average
Austin Taylor 1278 a 213 average
Thanks to the tournament manager securing some sponsorship for the event it meant we had some extra prize money.
We had £10 high game for each of the high game
Game 1 – Ray Teece & Austin Taylor 246
Game 2 – Ben Robinson 226
Game 3 – Ben Robinson 266
Game 4 – Daniel Chan 234
Game 5 – Ray Teece 248
Game 6 – Ben Robinson 246
The top 3 in handicap section was dominated by our YBC Dunstable Dragon Bowlers (scores including handicap)
Josh Bland – 1376
Cameron Brown – 1366
Ava Richardson – 1353
So before we got into the finals we had the fun pot games… first up was ‘Basher on the 1 and 2s’ … a bowler Randomly drawn (using google random number generator) – they would have 1 ball to take the 10 pin clean out… which wins you a £10 – but then you can “ricks it for a biscuit” and try for the 7 pin clean out to win a total of £50 – several people got drawn out. First up was Austin Taylor who took out the 7 pin and went for the big bucks and went to shoot the 10 pins but … No good !. Basher had a go Took the 7 pin clean out and ditched it at 59.5ft going for a 10pin. Newly wed Katie Teece had a go, Ben Robinson wasted all our time when he went for a 7 pin, missing it as usual. Several others had a go but no one achieved the 1s and 2’s – which means for the August Event the jackpot will go up to £70 – £70 quid for hitting the 7 then the 10 pin clean out – easy money right ????
We also had the ‘Basher Money shot’… again a bowler chosen at random would get one ball to get a strike and win themselves £30. Gerry Wrathall’s number was chosen… after explaining the rules to him for the 52nd time, he hobbled up there, but only managed an 8 count. Little Ava had a go and she sunk it to the absolute apricots but her 8lb’r couldn’t carry the 10 pin. Joe Copper had a go and couldn’t strike,,,, then it was Martin Smiths turn – Martin is from one of our sponsors Travel with the Smiths – Martin Stepped up and STRUCK ! and went back to Manchester with £30 in this pocket.. which is enough to buy a house up there.
Step ladder finals
Into Match 1
What a game – it looked like the scratch final. Such great bowling for these two YBC bowlers. Cam opened up with spare 5 in row, but Ava was matching him. Cameron shotting a 249 scratch, 285 with handicap and that only just beat little Ava who at 10 years old shot a 190 scratch, 267 with handicap.
Austin Taylor vs Ray Teece. As the match progressed it seemed easy for Austin to strike, but Ray just couldn’t get a got match, he tried everything,,,, but just couldn’t strike. He knew sparing and grinding wasn’t going to win him the match against a free striking Austin, so went fishing and came up with a minnow (if anyone can come up with a fish joke then let me “minnow”) Austin winning 247-178
Title Matches
The handicap final was close through to the 6th frame… then Cam strung 3 opens together and Josh found some strikes and managed to run out the winner 193, 227 with handicap to Cam’s 167-197.
Two lefties in the final both launching purple hamsters down there… Austin lost his line and his free flowing strikes from game 1 deserted him. Whereas Ben was barely brushing the headpin and striking… in fact the only times he didn’t carry was when he sunk it deep in the pocket…. The purple hammer is funny ball… I totally understand why so many bowlers are throwing it.
The next event is August 20th… like the facebook group for these tournaments – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123770395141402 and get all the tournament news first.
Thanks to all the bowlers
To Alison for doing the scores.
To Reece Parker and Jordan for helping with the scores and photo’s
To Andy Penny for ensuring the pattern was all loaded into the machine
To the Mechanics of gobowling.
And of course to our brilliant sponsors.. whose support allows us to have some fun, and offer a decent prize fund.
Sponsors were
SD Carpentry Ltd – https://www.facebook.com/sdcarpentryltd
Travel with the Smiths – https://www.facebook.com/travelwiththesmiths
S&T Autos – http://sandtautos.net/
Sundon Model Shop – https://www.facebook.com/sundonmodelshop
KPeach Floor and Wall Tilling – https://www.facebook.com/kpeach.wallandfloortiling
One Stretch Beyond – https://onestretchbeyond.com/
The next event is on June 11th – entry will be open soon and the will be posted in the event group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123770395141402
We also streamed the event and you can find the video on my twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/basherback2back