BTBA Membership Services Update – Benefits & Membership

Kayleigh Wilkinson, BTBA Dir. Membership Services, introduces an update on Members’ Benefits and Memberships

Now that another series of Team England events is over, all of our Members would like to congratulate Team England, the players and the staff for their performances lately, it’s been fantastic to see such team spirit. It’s also a great chance to update all of our BTBA Members on the changes that are upcoming to the Membership Package. This update is two fold; there is a change to the Membership Tier and also to the Benefits we offer.

Firstly, for several different reasons, Membership Services have decided to finish our partnership with Tastecard. This is in part down to the feedback that we have received from members as well as significantly increased costs to continue the partnership. I hope members will see the benefit that this creates, by reducing financial outlay and focusing on our wonderful JustGo Rewards Scheme. This scheme is available to all members at a cost of £4.99 per annum and entitles members to a whole host of discounts, but only if you wish to partake in this scheme and feel you would benefit from the savings. We continue to offer other bowling focused benefits such as the Mint Sportswear Discounts and Physique Discounts (Sports Therapy Equipment) which remain included in memberships.

It is then with great reflection that I announce the new Membership Levels and Costs, to be presented at our AGM in July 2023 in person. These costs will come into effect on 1st August 2023, prior to the new season commencing. In line with member feedback and to remain as affordable and flexible as possible, the new tiers will be :

League Membership: £15.00
This is for all bowlers (juniors, adults or seniors) who are competing in local leagues only within England.

Competitive Membership: £35.00
This is for all bowlers (juniors, adults or seniors) who are competing in competitions, including International Tournaments, Inter-County Championships, Sanctioned Tournaments, Team England events etc.

Non-Playing Official / Official / Coaching License: £15.00

General Supporter: £10.00
Not eligible to bowl, however will gain access to the membership discounts

As previous, Coaching and Official’s licences are still added onto the cost of a membership if needed, so that everything is all in one place. These are shown as separate options available through JustGo.

With the new tiers, there will no longer be a junior/adult divide and you will no longer require a Gold Card for competing at an international level. It is planned that these new tiers will support everyone in having an affordable and appropriate package in line with the level of bowling they wish to undertake. Memberships will still be able to be upgraded from League Membership to Competitive Membership during your membership year, should you need to. Furthermore, it’s with great pleasure to announce that our Membership Cards will be going digital, which is not only environmentally friendly, but more readily accessible for all Members and Leagues. Please note, a small supply of cards will be available for those who continue to prefer this option.

As always, any questions, please get in touch.

Warmest Regards,

Kayleigh-louise Wilkinson
Director of Membership Services