Tenpin Bowling Australia (TBA) is proud to announce the signing of a significant MOU with
the International Bowling Federation (IBF). This agreement is for the International Bowling
Federation Academy (IBFA) to license access to our Bowl Patrol and Bowl Abilities programs
for all international bowling Federations.
This is an historic moment for Tenpin Bowling globally, with the limited offerings for junior
and all abilities programs in many regions in the world, this agreement will see increased
reach and scope for youth development programs that will streamline the athlete pathway
for the global bowling community. Australia is a mature market and is leading the charge in
program development.
‘A core philosophy embedded within this MOU is, to offer more people the opportunity to
bowl. This means we will find more people to participate and potentially become high
performers within our sport over time’, Jerome Joseph (Chair, TBA) said. ‘We are thrilled to
have signed with the IBF for programs developed and adapted in Australia. It demonstrates
enormous confidence in TBA and our programs, that the IBFA wishes to promote for adoption
by the rest of the global bowling Federations.’
Jerome further commented that this is also a wonderful endorsement for Sport Australia and
their commitment to sports funding. These programs were conceived as a direct result of
targeted Sport Australia program funding support.
Andrew Oram (CEO, IBF) commented ‘we couldn’t be happier to partner with TBA on this
important project. The Bowl Patrol and Bowl Abilities programs align with our goal to establish
a Long-Term Athlete Development Framework and will fill the current void in the Athlete
Performance Pathway. The pathway to participant health, longevity and high performance in
sport starts with strong junior programs. The IBFA is focused on growing our global junior and
all abilities programs to increase participation in bowling along with finding the next
generation of Jason Belmonte’s and Bec Whiting’s. Programs such as Bowl Patrol and Bowl
Abilities allow us to further support our member federations in new and emerging markets’.
The outcomes TBA anticipate from this signing are many, enduring and will have direct
positive impacts, including new revenue streams, for our Sport in Australia. Keep an eye out
for further content and progress on these exciting developments.
About Tenpin Bowling Australia
TBA is the National Sporting Organisation to lead the management and development of tenpin
bowling in Australia. Tenpin bowling is a sport for all, with no age, size, speed, or strength limitations.
Participants can learn at their own pace while having fun with friends, regardless of their individual
skill and ability.
About International Bowling Federation
The International Bowling Federation represents member federations and bowlers from across the
world. At the heart of what we do, uniting us all, is our mission to connect the world with the greatness
of bowling.
Connecting further, faster for all. Tenpin, Ninepin, academy, para, male, female, young, old; whoever
you are, wherever you come from, our sport crosses cultures. Truly inclusive, united by a passion for
bowling, we bring the world closer together by innovating our sport with technology and data.
Championing the best of bowling. Guardians of our sport, we show bowling at its best, by removing
the complexity and barriers to play, without compromising the integrity of our sport.
The IBF is the International governing body for the sport of Tenpin, Ninepin and Para Bowling
representing five continental zones and 114 member federations.
IBF was recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1979 as the world governing body
for the sport of Bowling and by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in 2019 for Para Bowling.
About The IBF Academy
The IBF Academy is where the world’s best begin. We are here to inspire future bowlers, coaches,
officials and managers to be the best they can be, to push what is possible and to take our sport
forward. We’ll bring out the athlete in you.
We’re bowling’s home for learning and inspiration. We’re here to help every athlete on their journey
from grassroots all the way to elite.
We are here to mentor the bowling family, engage with them, encourage them and inspire them to
reach greatness. We do all this with the authority and rigor of the professional body behind them.
We do all this by blending knowledge with passion. We share technical expertise with energy and
approachability, with a strong sense of fun.
About Bowl Patrol
Bowl Patrol is Australia’s introductory program developed based on research and evidence with
support of Sport Australia. Qualified coaches deliver the 8-week program for 6–12-year old’s in the
unique surrounds of Tenpin Bowling centres across the country. About Bowl Abilities
Bowl Abilities is Australia’s introductory program for older teens and adults who have a disability.
Qualified coaches who have completed Special Olympics Australia online training deliver the 8-week
program in partnership with tenpin bowling centres, community groups and support agencies