BTBA Tour – Northants Open

The 8th Stop of the BTBA Tour was the Northants Open at Wellingborough. Wellingborough has a long tradition of holding tournaments and used to be a venue for Diane Joyce’s AMF’s Tour. For this years event the lanes had been refurbished and were looking great, and the scores certainly were higher then previous years.

A fantastic turnout of 61 bowlers, which was the highest attendance numbers for this tour stop in the 3 years I’ve been steward of the tour. 2017 saw 39 bowlers, 2018 saw 50 bowlers, and 2019 saw 61 bowlers take part.

There was a handicap and scratch prize fund once again boosted by the Tour Sponsors, B&P fabrications Leicester, Striking Shirts and PDQ Printing Services.

The format was a simple one, every bowler bowled 6 games and that was it. Not cuts or final steps or round robins – the idea was to keep it cheap and make it quick.

There were 3 qualifying blocks.
In the 9.15am squad – Rob Thurlby shot the highest scores with 1387 a 231 average, with Jamie Alder in 2nd on 1265 and His partner in crime Dan Balsom 3rd with 1258. Top Lady was Elyse Giddens on 1237..

Into the 1.00 squad – Hayley Russell was the squad winner with 1302 a 217 average, with youngster Jack Blyth 2nd on 1268 and Alison Taylor in 3rd on 1265
In the final squad at 4.15 – current BTBA tour leader Pete Stevenson went crazy with games of 257, 261, 234,245,278 and 236 for a 1511 a 252 average ! 2nd in this squad was Daniel Lewis on 1276 and third was Richard Balaam on 1229. Top Senior bowler was Cliff Dew on 1232 and top Senior lady was Kimberley Oakley on 1047

A great event that again demonstrates how popular the BTBA tour has become – There was a great blend of bowlers of all abilities and the event was well supported by bowlers from the local league program.

Just two events left on the calendar for 2019 – October 6th The Nuneaton 5’s – entry form is here
Then the season finale November 17th – Generation Doubles – Entry form is here





BTBA Tour Stop 8 – Nothants Open – Scratch Standings
Bowlers Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Scratch Total 
Pete Stevenson 257 261 234 245 278 236 1511
Rob Thurlby 212 228 184 258 267 238 1387
Hayley Russell 197 222 197 230 237 219 1302
Daniel Lewis 227 277 213 180 178 201 1276
Jack Blyth 156 192 259 247 226 188 1268
Alison Taylor 234 173 202 212 222 222 1265
Jamie Alder 149 247 264 214 179 212 1265
Dan Balsom 186 225 215 211 182 239 1258
Liam Fitzpatrick 189 269 215 194 225 165 1257
Steven Kay 246 235 171 155 210 235 1252
Allan Ward 185 196 212 170 225 258 1246
Elyse Giddens 216 190 196 196 226 213 1237
Cliff Dew 204 194 194 254 205 181 1232
Rich Balaam 165 207 202 236 232 187 1229
Darren Michael 177 193 299 155 185 210 1219
Alan Hyde 179 181 244 224 172 219 1219
Jamie Goswell 169 192 217 235 180 225 1218
Lousie Parker 188 246 205 194 227 156 1216
Brandon Roberts 197 197 196 211 212 203 1216
Caroline Cunningham 252 203 177 221 157 203 1213
Glen Ralph 192 189 144 199 220 257 1201
Craig Ellis 212 228 178 213 176 193 1200
Gavin Greaves 236 179 201 159 223 201 1199
Craig Willmer 193 227 186 188 195 201 1190
Jonathon Herbert 178 182 158 219 173 279 1189
Dan Harding 191 171 184 210 220 207 1183
Izzy Fletcher 190 224 171 179 258 156 1178
Jo Green 211 202 169 213 171 212 1178
Matt Giles 190 200 211 171 170 233 1175
Craig Parker 190 157 216 208 214 190 1175
Daniel Wenner 199 160 194 201 204 214 1172
Graham Manners 234 237 174 147 172 202 1166
James Bignall 151 170 176 215 258 193 1163
Dylan Maciuk 204 189 191 180 182 216 1162
David Reed 159 176 152 183 265 226 1161
Leon Devlin 192 161 188 240 212 168 1161
Evie Giddens 210 181 172 196 211 191 1161
Chris Oates 156 267 167 162 218 189 1159
Carl Buckley 170 188 211 178 227 173 1147
Richard Annable 205 207 222 159 153 196 1142
Bradley Armstrong 176 203 187 193 182 198 1139
Mark Roberts 229 118 201 181 214 195 1138
Dan Birch 202 192 183 185 195 179 1136
Steve Giddens 192 190 204 192 159 197 1134
Tom Langley 182 216 182 182 215 156 1133
Andy Hutchins 154 200 150 192 192 243 1131
Sarah Hood 201 172 178 189 196 180 1116
Gary Christopher 183 201 193 161 204 173 1115
Shane Couzens 203 248 151 146 194 166 1108
James Footner 180 173 177 209 192 170 1101
David Batters 192 158 219 149 222 149 1089
Dale Warren 210 182 187 189 188 133 1089
Kim Oakley 205 131 149 213 165 184 1047
Grant Burfoot 154 197 190 172 139 173 1025
Samantha Roberts 138 177 170 157 189 173 1004
David Boyer 176 170 152 196 168 141 1003
Mike Southwell 166 160 168 165 184 157 1000
Jennifer Swift 142 189 203 139 186 128 987
Julian Cawthorne 175 166 166 154 153 170 984
Sharon Clarke 140 175 186 162 148 136 947
Sarah Boyer 131 142 183 129 164 154 903


BTBA Tour Stop 8 – Nothants Open – Handicap Standings
Bowlers Name Ave Hdcp  G 1 G 2 G 3 G 4 G 5 G 6 Scr Total  HCP Total
Pete Stevenson 217 3 257 261 234 245 278 236 1511 1529
Alan Hyde 177 43 179 181 244 224 172 219 1219 1477
Shane Couzens 161 59 203 248 151 146 194 166 1108 1462
Izzy Fletcher 176 44 190 224 171 179 258 156 1178 1442
Sharon Clarke 138 82 140 175 186 162 148 136 947 1439
Rob Thurlby 215 5 212 228 184 258 267 238 1387 1417
Andy Hutchins 177 43 154 200 150 192 192 243 1131 1389
Jack Blyth 200 20 156 192 259 247 226 188 1268 1388
Elyse Giddens 196 24 216 190 196 196 226 213 1237 1381
Caroline Cunningham 192 28 252 203 177 221 157 203 1213 1381
Jamie Goswell 193 27 169 192 217 235 180 225 1218 1380
Alison Taylor 201 19 234 173 202 212 222 222 1265 1379
Dan Birch 180 40 202 192 183 185 195 179 1136 1376
Daniel Lewis 205 15 227 277 213 180 178 201 1276 1366
Jo Green 189 31 211 202 169 213 171 212 1178 1364
James Bignall 188 32 151 170 176 215 258 193 1163 1355
Lousie Parker 197 23 188 246 205 194 227 156 1216 1354
David Batters 176 44 192 158 219 149 222 149 1089 1353
Richard Annable 185 35 205 207 222 159 153 196 1142 1352
Jamie Alder 206 14 149 247 264 214 179 212 1265 1349
Rich Balaam 200 20 165 207 202 236 232 187 1229 1349
Steve Giddens 185 35 192 190 204 192 159 197 1134 1344
Liam Fitzpatrick 207 13 189 269 215 194 225 165 1257 1335
Darren Michael 201 19 177 193 299 155 185 210 1219 1333
Hayley Russell 215 5 197 222 197 230 237 219 1302 1332
Sarah Boyer 149 71 131 142 183 129 164 154 903 1329
Daniel Wenner 194 26 199 160 194 201 204 214 1172 1328
Bradley Armstrong 189 31 176 203 187 193 182 198 1139 1325
Dan Balsom 210 10 186 225 215 211 182 239 1258 1318
Allan Ward 208 12 185 196 212 170 225 258 1246 1318
Cliff Dew 206 14 204 194 194 254 205 181 1232 1316
Craig Willmer 199 21 193 227 186 188 195 201 1190 1316
Craig Ellis 201 19 212 228 178 213 176 193 1200 1314
Dylan Maciuk 195 25 204 189 191 180 182 216 1162 1312
Dale Warren 184 36 210 182 187 189 188 133 1089 1305
Graham Manners 197 23 234 237 174 147 172 202 1166 1304
Samantha Roberts 170 50 138 177 170 157 189 173 1004 1304
David Reed 199 21 159 176 152 183 265 226 1161 1287
Steven Kay 216 4 246 235 171 155 210 235 1252 1276
Mark Roberts 199 21 229 118 201 181 214 195 1138 1264
Glen Ralph 210 10 192 189 144 199 220 257 1201 1261
David Boyer 177 43 176 170 152 196 168 141 1003 1261
Evie Giddens 205 15 210 181 172 196 211 191 1161 1251
Jennifer Swift 176 44 142 189 203 139 186 128 987 1251
Dan Harding 209 11 191 171 184 210 220 207 1183 1249
Carl Buckley 204 16 170 188 211 178 227 173 1147 1243
Gary Christopher 201 19 183 201 193 161 204 173 1115 1229
Brandon Roberts 220 0 197 197 196 211 212 203 1216 1216
Sarah Hood 204 16 201 172 178 189 196 180 1116 1212
Chris Oates 212 8 156 267 167 162 218 189 1159 1207
Matt Giles 215 5 190 200 211 171 170 233 1175 1205
Jonathon Herbert 218 2 178 182 158 219 173 279 1189 1201
Gavin Greaves 220 0 236 179 201 159 223 201 1199 1199
Grant Burfoot 191 29 154 197 190 172 139 173 1025 1199
Leon Devlin 217 3 192 161 188 240 212 168 1161 1179
Craig Parker 220 0 190 157 216 208 214 190 1175 1175
Tom Langley 216 4 182 216 182 182 215 156 1133 1157
Julian Cawthorne 192 28 175 166 166 154 153 170 984 1152
Kim Oakley 203 17 205 131 149 213 165 184 1047 1149
Mike Southwell 197 23 166 160 168 165 184 157 1000 1138
James Footner 219 1 180 173 177 209 192 170 1101 1107