A huge Congratulations to our Tour Stop #5, and First Female Winner……. Jo Allsebrook!!!
Some might say Jo was ” Locked In” all day using her #Storm Lock and Snap Lock to master the 44ft London Pattern!
Jo managed to fend off challenges from ESBT winner Hadley Morgan and local Chesterfield celebrity Curtis Hooper to take the win and gain some important masters points …. we all know what points make….. thats right…… A TRIP TO LAS VEGAS!!! ?
⚡️ courtesy of our sponsor #stormbowling #Bowltech !!
The sweeper was won by Adam Michaels with Leon Devlin in 2nd and Louise Parker in 3rd.
A Great days bowling in a superb bowl with no breakdowns, no delays, great attentive staff and a good pie n chips!!
You may have noticed, Jo did not get the chance to select the next pattern for our next event……. As the event is the English Open, still time to enter 6/7/8 October……We are mixing it up a bit so please keep your eyes peeled for our Facebook Live Draws!!!
Thank you to Chesterfield Bowl and the Staff and all that came and supported once again!!
See you all at the English Open!!!!
#stormnation #bowltech #ESBT
Full results can be found at