New conduction period in Scheveningen The organizer of the Scheveningen Dutch Open has decided to change the conduction period of the tournament from 16-24 September 2017 to 9-17 September 2017.
The tournament, which is included in the EBT 2017 as Stop 10, will unchanged be conducted in Bowling Scheveningen, situated in Den Hague – The Netherlands.
The organizer also announces a new event website: www.scheveningendutchopen.com and a new email address: info@scheveningendutchopen.com for the contact person of the tourna- ment, Kevin de Haan.
Kim Thorsgaard Jensen EBT Director
Stop Period Federation Tournament Category
01 06.01-15.01 Finland Brunswick Ballmaster Open Platinum
02 15.01-22.01 Ireland 29 Irish Open Championships in ass. with Storm Satellite
03 18.03-26.03 Germany Brunswick Euro Challenge Platinum
04 23.05-28.05 Denmark Kegel Aalborg International 2017 Bronze
05 01.07-09.07 Spain V Brunswick Madrid Challenge Bronze
06 08.07-16.07 San Marino 13 Storm San Marino Open Gold
07 15.07-23.07 Germany Track Dream-Bowl Palace Open Gold
08 25.07-30.07 Poland Polish Open Bronze
09 27.08-03.09 Denmark Odense International Satellite
10 09.09-17.09 Netherlands Scheveningen Dutch Open Satellite
11 06.10-15.10 Norway Norwegian Open 2017 by Brunswick Satellite