With the latest easing of restrictions, I do hope that you are all now able to return to the lanes and help us get our sport back on track. Bowling was obviously hit hard during the pandemic and we are now hopeful that we can get it back to where it needs to be. There are leagues and tournaments up and down the country that have already re-started and we are here to support you every step of the way.
The last 17 months have been extremely difficult for all of us and we want to thank you for supporting us through this time. Like many other businesses, we have still had to function throughout the pandemic so we are grateful to our members who continued to stick by us during this time.
We recently held our AGM and the minutes will be available on our website over the coming days, so please do take a look when you get a chance. Every year, the National Council puts together an Annual Review document detailing what we have been up to over the past 12 months. I have attached a copy of this for your information. We have been working very hard behind the scenes and I would like to publicly thank the volunteers who have helped us over the last year.
I look forward to welcoming our members back to the BTBA after what has been a horrible 17 months for all of us. If you have not already done so and require any assistance with renewing your membership, please do not hesitate to ask. Please note that memberships will renew for 12 months from the date of purchase and will not be backdated to your previous expiry date.
Please keep checking our social media channels and sign up to our website update service to be kept in the loop of all the latest news and information.
Thank you once again for your support during the pandemic.
Best wishes and kindest regards
Lisa Blann (nee John)
Chairman & Director of Membership Services
British Tenpin Bowling Association