Pontus Andersson from Sweden captured his first tour stop title, when he won the Track Dream-Bowl Palace Open by Erdinger in front of Richard Teece from England.
The tournament, which was conducted in Europe’s Bowling Mecca: Dream-Bowl Palace in Unterföhring, as the 7th stop in the European Bowling Tour 2017, had attracted 193 athletes, who competed for the 48 spots in the final steps played on 23 July.
40 athletes played 4 games from scratch in step 1, from where top 20 was combined with athletes positioned 5-8 in the qualification for another 4 games starting from scratch in step 2.
Top 12 from step 2 continued together with top 4 from the qualification in step 3, where 4 more games was played starting from scratch, followed by step 4, where top 8 from step 3 played 4 games with the 4 games pin fall from step 3 carried forward.
In step 5, the 4 best after the 8 games in step 3+4, added another game to a 9 gams total, which determined the two athletes playing the last game of the tournament in step 6, deciding the winner and the runner up over a total of 10 games played in step 3-6.
The following four players were qualified after the 2 X 4 games in Step 3 and 4:
1875: Pontus Andersson, Sweden
1768: Richard Teece, England
1699: Francois Louw, South Africa
1684: Dominic Barrett, England
Dominic Barrett and Francois Louw was eliminated in Step 4, which ended as follows:
2031: Pontus Andersson, Sweden (1875+156)
1997: Richard Teece, England (1768+229)
1938: Dominic Barrett, England (1684+254)
1911: Francois Louw, South Africa (1699+212)
And finally Pontus Andersson became the winner of the tournament:
2218: Pontus Andersson, Sweden (2031+187)
2198: Richard Teece, England (1997+201)
The top of the women’s division of the tour continued unchanged with Jenny Wegner from Sweden at position 1 with 535 points, Daphne Tan from Singapore at position 2 with 450 points and Cajsa Wegner from Sweden at position 3 with 405 points.
In the Men’s Division of the tour, Carsten W. Hansen from Denmark is leading with 522 points in front Dominic Barrett from England with 505 points and Martin Larsen from Sweden with 464 points.
For Pontus Andersson it was his second highest ranked position in the men’s division and the same became the case in the women’s division for Vanessa Timter from Germany, who ended at position 10 in the final tournament standing.
Click here to see the ranking in the Women’s Division
Click here to see the ranking in the Men’s Division