3rd Saldera Open All Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Championship 2016
KARACHI: 3rd Saldera Open All Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Championship 2016 is organized by Sindh Tenpin Bowling Association (STBA) and under auspices of Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Federation, which will be held at the Royal Rodale Club in DHA, Karachi from December 9th to 18 ,2016.
Mr. Aleem Agha(Vice President, Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Federation) Romis Ali (Joint Secretary of PTBF, said in joint statement addressing the Media.
About 100 participants from All over Pakistan, in Masters Open Singles, Amateur Singles, Women’s, Singles, Under 24, Under 12, NOVICE/Beginners, Doubles & Team Event & Inter-Media Category will participate.
The closing date for the entry will be 8th December 2016 and for Open 14th Dec .
Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Federation PTBF playing rules and regulations shall apply. It will also be one of the highest attended all Pakistan OPEN Championship in Sindh toward under collaboration with SALDERA (yearly approved) and the Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Federation
The Association has opened the registrations and practice games since Nov 1st and encouraged all factions of players from youth to Masters to take active part in this Grand event. These events bring out hidden talent and provides opportunity to budding players to perform and be selected for major events both national and on International level where we have sent our players to learn and participate.
“Once the player will register for their respective category then Round 1 will be played on 9th December and it will then proceed towards Round 2 & Finals on 18th December 2016” said Romis Ali – Joint Secretary PTBF & General Secretary of STBA
STBA will be awarding players with CASH, Trophies, Medals, Tee Shirts, Prestigious awards, Certificates, Gift Hampers, upto PKR 500,000 in Finals and closing ceremony of 3rd Saldera Open All Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Championship 2016.
“The Vice President of Pakistan Tenpin Bowling Federation Mr. Aleem Agha said that we have very talented people in Pakistan, we just need to train and unleash them and we do have the capacity to compete internationally.