4th King of the hill of the season. This year’s theme is Navigation patterns. We’ve had hard patterns and we’ve had easy patterns, this one was somewhere in the middle. I reckon on the hard side of middle. The pattern was Route 66. Route 66 is a long ar5e that goes across American. I don’t even know what’s so good about it… I think its how many migrated across America to get to the west coast, primarily California I suppose. And the characteristics of this pattern mirror that of Route 66 – a long pattern 44ft – we should have a UK modified version of the pattern called the M6.
Loads of entries this time… I had a mega full 42 bowlers at one point. Though 3 drop outs the on day and on morning before which took us down to 39, and a drop out mid tournament took us down to 38.
Because we had extra entries I paid out top 4 in both scratch and handicap ! – coz I’m good like that.
The top 3 scores Scratch were
Tom Langley – 1164 a 233 average
Basher – 1097 a 219 average
Dean Rowland – 1055 a 211 average
Big Mac – 1034 a 207 average
We had £10 high game pot for each of the high game
Game 1 – Dean Rowland 255
Game 2 – Ben Robinson 244
Game 3 – Cameron Brown & Alex Pace 239
Game 4 – Tom Langley 245
Game 5 – Basher 265
The top 4 in handicap section were (scores with handicap)
Tyler Baker 1135
Russ Snipper 1109
Cameron Brown 1095
Alex Pace 1082
Before we got into the finals we had the fun pot games… ‘Basher on the 1 and 2s’ … a bowler Randomly drawn (using google random number generator) – they would have 1 ball to take the 10 pin clean out… which wins you a £10 – but then you can “GAMBLE” and try for the 7 pin clean out to win a total of £100 – several people got drawn out. Big Man Jonathan Keating took the 10 clean but failed on the 7 pin. Tom Chuter took the 10 clean, but again failed on the 7 pin
We also saw the worse ever attempt at 10 pin – RICHARD TACK take a bow !!! – https://www.twitch.tv/basherback2back/clip/PoliteObedientRavenGOWSkull-0GgjbAal0Vb6wtGP
The JACKPOT for the 1s and 2s in the September event will be £130 !!
Then we played “Basher plays his cards Wrong”… basic idea, and it is pretty basic… I have some BIG cards numbered 1 through to 10, bowler gets picked out and picks a card they have to then knock down the same number of pins with one ball to the number on the card. However there are a couple of JOKERS in the pack – they pick a joker out I get to decide what they do… so it could be leave a 5 pin, or leave any split – they do it they win some money
We had a winner straight away when Andrew Clark pulled out an 8 card and stepped up and knocked 8 down – and boom that’s a £10 in his sky rocket !
Step ladder finals
Into Match 1
Both players Cameron Brown and Big Russ the hairy Wardrobe started with the same handicap. And to be fair it was an uninspiring match. Neither bowler hitting the scores they did in qualifying. Cam with a 151 was defeated by 186 from SNIPS aka BAT HULK !
Like the handicap match there were poor starts from both bowlers Dean and Basher. Dean dug out 5 in a row and killed off any chance of Basher had of getting into the game. Dean progressing 207-178
Title Matches
Bat hulk vs Tyler Baker. Again both players matched up on handicap. Tyler straight out with 4 in a row. And an early open from Russ had him on the back foot. An open from Tyler in frame 5 gave Bat Hulk a sniff, but then he had a further open in frame 8 which killed any chance he had. Tyler claiming the crown with a 207-193 win.
Tom Langley vs Dean Rowland – both players were useless in the first 4 frames. But then Tom and his purple hamster started striking. Dean tried to get back into it changing balls a couple of times, but could get a good enough consistent look. And Tom went on to claim the win 215-176
The next event is September 1st – like the facebook group for these tournaments – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123770395141402 and get all the tournament news first.
Entry form is here https://form.jotform.com/231242549866362
Thanks to all the bowlers
To Alison Taylor
To Coz for the photos
To Andy Penny for ensuring the pattern was all loaded into the machine
And of course to our brilliant sponsors.. whose support allows us to have some fun, and offer a decent prize fund.
Sponsors were
SD Carpentry Ltd – https://www.facebook.com/sdcarpentryltd
Travel with the Smiths – https://www.facebook.com/travelwiththesmiths
S&T Autos – http://sandtautos.net/
Sundon Model Shop – https://www.facebook.com/sundonmodelshop
One Stretch Beyond – https://onestretchbeyond.com/
WebtexWebdesign – https://webtexwebdesign.com/
We also streamed the event and you can find the video on my twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/basherback2back