Adam Cairns wins the English Sport Bowling Tour stop at Shipley

The Shipley stop of the English Sport Bowling Tour sponsored by BigBearBolts sees a host of talented local bowlers in the field all looking for that first home win. To date the four winners were all from outside town.

Leon Devlin picking up two titles in 2017 and 2019 Vicki Harman the only female winner so far in 2018 and Hall of Famer Steve Thornton picking up the 2022 title.

A limited field due to less lanes but the cream of the UK crop all booked in to attend and a lot of exciting young bowlers. Quite a few experienced ones too including Hall of Famer Paul Moor , Gold medalist Adam Cairns, ESBT masters champion Brandon Roberts, Brunswick Euro Challenge winner Rob Thurlby to name but a few. Will it be another outsider win orĀ  is this the year the home stars mount a challenge?

Livestreaming will be available during the event here

Saturday – Cairns is near perfect

Another challenging pattern at Shipley and 30 in the field on day one. Nicola Day making the early running but fading away towards the end in 5th as Adam Cairns was near perfect in game seven with 299 and 1679 for the day leading overnight. Second was Lorna Scott with 1608 and Miles Duke in third with 1551.

Sunday – Ailes makes a challenge

A busy Sunday and the first squad of the day saw England’s Hannah Ailes close to the lead and taking the squad score with 1589 as Scotland’s Jack Kerr placed second with 1562 and Chris Oates finishing strong with 235 and 236 to place third. Still all behind leader Adam Cairns in the top spot and Lorna Scott in second.

Sunday – Pistol Pete shoots close but Cairns holds on

An exciting final squad saw England international Pete Stevenson come close to taking the stop with 1621 but not quite enough to catch Saturday’s leader Adam Cairns with 1679. Second in this squad was Adrian Devey with 1580 and Steven Kay 3rd with 1576 and 6th place overall.

Full results will appear first on the Official website here


