Kevin Lamb takes the Resdev stop at Mansfield

By Al Turner

The 3rd stop on the RES DEV Senior Tour Was  held at the Mansfield Bowl on Sunday 30th June 2019.

There were 47 entries with ladies receiving an additional 10 bonus pins per game.

The format for this event was  a 6 game qualifying round with 2 squads followed by a cut to the top twelve.

These bowlers were split into 2 x 6 round robins.

On to the round robins :-

Round robin B was dominated by Jan Hodge, 1237 who won 4 of her 5 games and drew game 3 against Ian McDonald.

2nd place was always between Trevor Lamprell 1124 who held that position until game 5 when his 221 game was not enough to hold off Keith Hodge 1128 whose 254 was the high game in Round robin A.

In positions 4, 5 & 6 were Dave Broomfield, Ian McDonald and John Broadhurst.

Round robin A

Kevin Lamb won all his 5 games and after a slow start with 189 kicked into overdrive with games of 232, 268, 203 & 256 to give him a total of 1298 which was 135 pins in front of Nev Robinson 1163 in 2nd place.

Mark S Smith’s 1137 kept him 3rd with 4th place Helen Caton, 5th Trevor Green and 6th Carole Orange filling the lower places.

Final Round

The 2 round robin winners played to decide the 2019 Mansfield RES DEV Senior Champion.

Jan Hodge began with the first 5 strikes against Kevin Lamb who began slowly with a split in frame 2 then from frame 6 stepped up a gear to make 226 (216 scratch) to trail Jan 233 (208 scratch) by only 7 pins.

In game 2 Kevin stepped up 2 more gears with 266 (256 scratch) which was too good for Jan’s 199.

Kevin deserved to win with an excellent 2 game 502 series against Jan’s 452.

Keith Hodge took 3rd place with 445 against Nev Robinson’s 380, who finished 4th.

5th place a close thing with Trevor Lamprell 375 against Mark S Smith 6th with 370.

The lower places were filled by :-

7th Dave Broomfield, 8th Helen Caton, 9th Trevor Green, 10th Ian McDonald, 11th Carol Orange and 12th, place John Broadhurst.

The RES DEV Senior Tour moves on to Lincoln next week



JAN HODGE 25 208 199 50 457 2nd
KEVIN LAMB 10 216 266 20 502 1st
NEV ROBINSON 10 186 174 20 380 4th
KEITH HODGE 15 213 202 30 445 3rd
TREVOR LAMPRELL 10 179 176 20 375 5th
MARK S SMITH 5 188 172 10 370 6th
HELEN CATON 20 162 329 20 349 8th
DAVE BROOMFIELD 5 229 236 10 475 7th
TREVOR GREEN 10 245 176 20 441 9th
IAN MCDONALD 20 150 165 40 355 10th
CAROLE ORANGE 20 144 163 40 347 11th
JOHN BROADHURST 20 164 299 40 339 12th

Round 2

JAN HODGE 25 218 30 219 30 222 15 218 30 225 30 1237
KEITH HODGE 15 193 0 162 0 251 30 211 0 251 30 1128
TREVOR LAMPRELL 10 190 30 223 30 190 0 210 30 221 0 1124
DAVE BROOMFIELD 5 192 0 176 0 193 30 229 30 247 0 1097
IAN MCDONALD 20 189 0 173 30 222 15 200 0 212 15 1056
JOHN BROADHURST 20 220 30 145 0 176 0 154 0 212 15 952

Round 1

KEVIN LAMB 10 189 30 232 30 268 30 203 30 256 30 1298
NEV ROBINSON 10 201 0 202 15 204 30 257 30 224 0 1163
MARK S SMITH 5 221 30 202 15 211 0 209 30 219 0 1137
HELEN CATON 20 210 30 215 0 196 30 171 0 222 30 1104
TREVOR GREEN 10 184 0 208 30 174 0 221 0 253 30 1100
CAROLE ORANGE 20 208 0 177 0 179 0 174 0 214 0 952


1 TREVOR GREEN 10 246 194 232 222 203 201 1298 60 1358
2 JAN HODGE 25 247 210 191 187 191 178 1204 150 1354
3 MARK S SMITH 5 224 243 195 235 189 223 1309 30 1339
4 KEITH HODGE 15 212 244 171 197 193 232 1249 90 1339
5 HELEN CATON 20 235 178 210 208 213 170 1214 120 1334
6 DAVE BROOMFIELD 5 209 224 247 175 214 225 1294 30 1324
7 CAROLE ORANGE 20 210 176 224 220 184 178 1192 120 1312
8 IAN MCDONALD 20 162 172 242 213 197 202 1188 120 1308
9 KEVIN LAMB 10 247 216 185 179 179 233 1239 60 1299
10 JOHN BROADHURST 20 194 179 216 215 203 165 1172 120 1292
11 NEV ROBINSON 10 258 213 196 194 206 165 1232 60 1292
12 TREVOR LAMPRELL 10 204 190 269 189 202 167 1221 60 1281
13 PAUL MADDOCK 10 192 217 163 178 232 234 1216 60 1276
14 MICK INCE 15 171 243 190 154 224 203 1185 90 1275
15 MIKE HALLIWELL 10 215 236 218 174 146 224 1213 60 1273
16 JOHN LAWLESS 10 200 195 202 234 200 178 1209 60 1269
17 GARY CHRISTOPHER 0 216 207 163 183 216 280 1265 0 1265
18 ANDY YEOMANS 10 194 233 180 202 182 210 1201 60 1261
19 AL TURNER 15 161 203 179 233 233 159 1168 90 1258
20 MARK FULLBROOK 10 235 166 188 212 179 214 1194 60 1254
21 AL JENKINS 10 221 225 197 174 207 165 1189 60 1249
22 RON OLDFIELD 10 171 227 170 208 182 224 1182 60 1242
23 FRANK LINDSAY 10 193 186 206 183 190 213 1171 60 1231
24 LES GRANT 15 180 142 218 195 192 203 1130 90 1220
25 MARTIN BISHOP 5 214 190 203 171 203 206 1187 30 1217
26 BARRY WALKER 5 201 190 182 182 208 222 1185 30 1215
27 MARTIN GREEN 10 220 165 215 169 202 181 1152 60 1212
28 CARL TAYLOR 5 197 196 172 175 211 222 1173 30 1203
29 DAVE RAWDING 10 236 149 213 192 167 180 1137 60 1197
30 GARY BARLOW 5 216 194 193 217 191 148 1159 30 1189
31 LES TAYLOR 20 197 131 202 159 180 200 1069 120 1189
32 STEVE COATES 10 193 191 169 172 142 254 1121 60 1181
33 BRIAN SEMPERS 15 193 214 177 170 166 169 1089 90 1179
34 DOUG SINCLAIR 20 181 175 161 182 166 188 1053 120 1173
35 PAT BYRNE 15 176 191 178 161 165 208 1079 90 1169
36 KEITH BOWEN 5 191 155 226 225 160 181 1138 30 1168
37 SIMON HAIGH 0 204 149 212 187 214 190 1156 0 1156
38 JOHN STRETTLE 15 182 191 184 180 167 160 1064 90 1154
39 DAVE BIRDSALL 15 139 179 180 203 194 166 1061 90 1151
40 PAULINE MCDONALD 30 168 141 161 170 162 167 969 180 1149
41 IAN KENNEDY 15 197 189 171 158 163 176 1054 90 1144
42 DAVE NORTH 10 214 158 190 182 166 171 1081 60 1141
43 IAN BUCKLAND 10 210 138 181 163 168 163 1023 60 1083
44 MARGRIT TAYLOR 20 175 166 177 137 148 151 954 120 1074
45 MO SINGLETON 15 149 149 189 141 172 172 972 90 1062
46 PAUL NEWTON 20 190 170 154 162 0 0 676 120 796
47 RUTH RATHBONE 20 208 122 150 137 0 0 617 120 737