Wallasey YBC 50th Reunion

Wallasey YBC is having a 50th Reunion and tournament on may 20th at Wallasey at 09.30

All current and ex-Wallasey YBC bowlers who have bowled in the junior League over the last 50 years are welcome.

We have two folders of Wallasey YBC history and League sheets for the last 29 yrs plus all sorts of records for all to see.

Looking forward to see some old faces,

About Wallasey YBC

The club was started by Eric Cummings when Riverside bowl opened in the 1960’s. It was successfully run by Eric Cummings until he passed away in 1987 and Ray Arthur took over and the club has continued to be run successfully ever since.

The club meets once a week on a Saturday morning were all members are given training from our talented instructors. The training methods used include drills and skill level tests, which are then put into practice during the three games played each week. Extra training can be organised with our instructors for children who want to improve their bowling and compete in competitions with the club.

The Wallasey YBC is for boys and girls aged 6-20 who want to have fun, make new friends while learning how to bowl. With the help of our qualified instructors you will be given all the skills needed to advance in the sport. We attend competitions all over the country competing in all age categories and events. With the help of our instructors many of our bowlers have been invited to study at the England Academy where they can further improve their skills.

Why not come down to Riverside bowl and join in. We meet at 10.15 on a Saturday and its only £6 per session that includes training and 3 games of bowling with an instructor to help. We look forward to meeting you.