British Tenpin Bowling Association Membership Services Director, Lisa John, has announced an update to Gold Cards and bowling abroad.
Gold Cards
As we are in a transitional phase with regards to our membership database, I would like to call upon all Gold Card members to be proactive at the current time. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to issue reminders of expiry and we are therefore asking all Gold Card members to please check your expiry date and make sure that your card is current. If your membership runs out at the end of December, please apply for your renewal without delay as there will be a period where cards will not be issued during the Christmas period. Renewals should be applied for before the date of expiration to ensure that you are a continued member of the association.
International Licences
It has come to our attention that some bowlers are participating at international events, stating England as their country, without having a current BTBA Gold Card. In order to participate internationally (this includes any event outside of the United Kingdom), bowlers must have an international licence in the form of Gold Card. If you are participating in international events, please ensure that you register for that event based on the country in which you have purchased your International Licence. For example, if you have a USBC card, you must register for the event under the USA.
If you have a current Standard Membership and wish to upgrade your membership to a Gold Card to allow you to participate internationally, please email admin@btba.org.uk for details on how to upgrade.
Thank you, Lisa John
Dir. Membership Services