International News

European Women Bowling Championships 2024

07/06/2024 Dom 0

June 5-16th 2024 in Wittelshiem, France The European Women Bowling Championships 2024 will be held in the Cristal Bowling in Wittelsheim, France from 5th June until 16th of June 2024. Please visit the Official website […]

International News

European Womens Championships 2022

11/08/2022 Dom 0

In August 2022 the European Women Championships will be held in Løvvang Bowling Centre in the city of Aalborg. This means the event returns to Denmark for the first time since 2008. This will be […]

Team England

Can Team England add more medals at EWC?

08/08/2022 Dom 0

August sees Team England back at the European Womens Championships looking to maintain a great record in the championships. Over the years our ladies have amassed 37 Medals, including 17 Gold, 9 Silver and 11 […]