The PWBA is back from May 12th and the first stop of the new season at the Cherry Bowl in Rockford, IL The hopes of the UK, as always are with Verity Crawley. PWBA Greater Nashville Open winner in 2021 and looking for the follow-up win after numerous runner up placing’s. We caught up with the Team England Superstar as she prepares to go back to work on tour.
A new PWBA season about to start, Cannot wait to get going I imagine?
I’m excited. It’s always sad when a PWBA season ends, then it’s exciting to prepare for the next one and develop as a player. The next season comes back around so quickly! I thrive off competing, so it’s safe to say I’m looking forward to it.
What preparations have you made in the off season, Outside first arrow by the looks of recent videos, Has this years preparation been easier than last year?
I have focused a lot less on my physical game compared to the years past, this has allowed me to work more on my ball motion and versatility. At the end of every PWBA season, I analyse my strengths and weaknesses, in order to determine the best plan of action for my off season. A couple of the key elements I have worked on are; my launch angle and my speed.
Your progression over the last few PWBA seasons has been fantastic and you have stated in the past that you just want to enjoy the experience. Is this the season we see an almost complete Verity Crawley?
You’ll have to watch and find out!
In all honestly, I would love to say yes. However, I know there will be challenges and I’d be lying if I was to say it’ll be easy. There is so much talent out on the PWBA Tour, we bowl on some hard patterns and sometimes, as a bowler, you just get lost and can’t figure them out. I have the belief that I am prepared and have done all the work in practice, so within myself I feel complete and ready.
As each season comes now, does the types of work you put into your game change to adapt to the times or is everything a slow build up to peak performance?
This goes back to the analysis my strengths and weaknesses. Of course the game is ever changing, however I would say over the last few years it’s certainly been similar. As my weaknesses start to get better, I will find out something else that I struggle with. It will be never ending and I still have to work on my strengths and not lose my ‘a game’.
For me, ball motion will be a constant learning experience. Learning what to do in certain situations, what balls to throw. Figuring out what move to make. In the end, it’s all an educated guess and I am trying to learn as much as I can – to make better educated guesses!
As always, your fans and supporters will be right behind you over the season and beyond. I guess all the online love spurs you on somewhat?
Bowling is really special and I feel like social media has been a tool, to spread the love for bowling. I really appreciate all the support that I get and I love to share the good and the bad. I also have created my own online community that get a behind the scenes look at everything I do, they motivate me to be better!
Finally Verity, We all wish you luck again this season as you edge ever closer to a UK Tenpin Hall of Fame place, If there is one event on tour this season you would really like to win which one is it and why?
Thank you to you and to everyone who has read this.
Can I say all of them? Honestly no, as much as a major such as the USBC Queens would be amazing- I treat every event the same and I am just excited to go out and compete. We will see what happens!