Do you want to bowl with the World Bowling Scoring in your centre, leagues or tournaments?
Now you can thanks to QubicaAMF
To you proprietors – The current frame scoring is available for free with BES X and Conqueror Pro version 13.
Check it out in BESX and Conqueror Pro version 13 enabled UK centres or in your own country?
For Proprietors, How do you get started?
Just a tick option to modify the scoring format. It will use the current Environment selected and simply change the Scoring Format.
As per the pictures Go to Set Up > Bowling Set Up > then Lane Options. Select Option set you wish to use Current Frame and tick the Current Frame Box . (This is a Global setting for whole centre)
You could do this on a lane by lane basis (By appointment) example 2 bowlers come for a practice and ask for Current Frame Scoring. Operator opens lane as usual then clicks on lane options for the lane. Then selects Current Frame and off you go.