ESBT #1 STROUD Sunday 27th January 2019
So the first ESBT stop of 2019 is done and dusted and was held at STROUD on Sunday 27th January, a total 62 bowlers took part which is on par with the last two years and played 8 games. This year we introduced a new Scratch Pot which was in addition to the existing ESBT terms and 13 bowlers signed up to this Scratch Pot for the first stop. Some slight changes to this for the next one so we hope to see that number increase!! The full results are available on the link below. To summarise they are :
- Rhian Dobinson 1827 inc handicap
- Elliot Crosby 1751 inc handicap
- Adam Michaels 1699 inc handicap
TOP 3 Sweepers
- Jason Agate 489
- Jay Goodwin 478
- Glen Richardson 472
TOP 3 Scratch Pot
- Elliot Crosby 1727 scratch
- Adam Michaels 1699 scratch
- Matt Chamberlain 1657 scratch
Many thanks to Stroud and all those who attended and hope you all enjoyed the first ESBT Event of 2019 and look forward to seeing you all and any others that may want to join our tour at the next ESBT stop which will be held in Shipley on 9th and 10th March 2019, entry for this is now open and is available online .
Full results : http://bowling.lexerbowling.com/ptbctour/esbt2019stop1-stroud/
ESBT website : www.sportbowling.uk
About the ESBT
The English Sport Bowling Tour (ESBT) is set up for the promotion of sport bowling. The sport bowling tour will be played in various bowling centres with different stops on different dates.
Sports Patterns
Each tour stop consists of a total of 8 games of which each game will be played on a pair of lanes. You will only play on sport conditions. Per stop a long, medium or short sports pattern will be used.
Prize money per tour stop and ‘sweeper’
When everybody has finished the 8 games per tourstop, the final score will immediately be known and prize money will be distributed. So, there will be no finals or a final day. You only have to make 1 trip to play your 8 games.
Participants who have not cashed for prize money, compete in the so called ‘sweeper’. In the sweeper, your 2 highest games out of the 8 played games are considered.
The prize schedule can be found under the information button on top of this website.
Tour Masters
To qualify for the tour masters you must have played at least 5 of the possible 7 points earning events (six tour stops and the optional English Open). If you play all six stops then five highest finishes will count for the ranking. The total prize money in the tour pot will be announced after each stop on the website.
After all stops the winners are announced. At least the best 6 men and the best 2 women are in the prizes.
Costs and registration
A tour registration fee of £50 is payable and will allow the player to earn points for the tour season (one year). This registration fee will go straight to the end of season Masters.
Players that have not paid the £50 tour registration can still enter individual tour stops by paying a £10 tour fee per stop, but will not earn points. This fee will go straight to the end of season Masters. Players can opt to pay the £50 tour registration fee at any point during the tour, but will only earn points from events taking place after payment.
The entry fee per stop is £60 per person. You can register for each individual stop. Direct registration for one of the stops of the sport bowling tour can be done via: www.sportbowling.uk.
Bonus Tour Points
Players that compete in the English Open can pay £10 to earn ESBT tour points at this event. Points will be based on the players first qualifying entry. The £10 fee will go straight to the end of season ESBT Masters.
All information and regulations for this sport bowling tour can be found under the information button on top of this website.
For more information and questions, please contact:
Andy James, e-mail: andy@ptbc.co.uk