Congratulations to Denise Dyke and Philip Cox upon winning their first TPT Tournaments at TPT 2 Guildford
Congratulations to Denise Dyke and Philip Cox upon winning their first TPT Tournaments at TPT 2 Guildford
Congratulations to Tracy Van Dyk and Sandra Boswell on becoming the first tied winners of a TPT event! They both had equal scores and will share the prize for first and second places equally between […]
A new year and plenty events upcoming in january for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Good luck and good bowling. January’s events 6-16 January 2022 in Helsinki, Finland Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2022 9-16 […]
BTBA TENPINTOUR TPT4 ACOCKS GREEN BIRMINGHAM The worthy winners were Tony Imren and Sue Cobb The runners up were Alan Keddie and Gloria Carney Photo and details thanks to Malcom Glover
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