Ghislaine Sitgter-van der Tol and Michell Stinissen win the Dutch QubicaAMF World Cup Qualifier in Bowling Scheveningen.

Bowling Mexico
Those who set a foot inside Bowling Scheveningen saw that the whole bowling center was turned into a Mexican Bowling experience. Pinata’s, Sleeping Mexicans in a chair (dolls), little beaches, Mexican food, Professional Salsa dancers etc. All participants knew what they were bowling for. A ticket to Mexico!

In total 24 men and 8 women were invited based on their performence last season. The 24 men kicked off with 5 games before only the top 8 moved on to the Round Robin. Johnny Spil lead the round of 24 with a stunning 1220 (244 average). The cut for the top was 1074 (214,8 average).

The round of 8 turned out to be very exciting. The top 3 moved on to the stepladder. The men made it very exciting. Almost every game there was a new leader  In the end Michell Stinissen, Mark Jacobs and Youri Fens qualified for the stepladder. The ladies competion was probably even more exciting. Lisanne Breeschoten qualified first with a large margin, but the second and third spot were decided in the last frame of the last game. In the end Inge Hazeleger and Ghislaine Stigter- van der Tol took the final spots in the stepladder.
Sports &Travel Costa Rica Roll-off
Before the stepladder started  there was a special roll-off. Thanks to the great co-operation with Sports & Travel Costa Rica and the Torneo La Raza the winner of the roll-off received an all inclusive invitation to participate in the Torneo La Raza from October 7th till 14th. The roll-off flew by. In the end only Frans Middag and Johnny Spil were left. Frans shot an 8 count and Johnny struck so Johnny Spil wil represent The Netherlands in Costa Rica.
The first match of the stepladder of the men and women had clear winners. Youri Fens won the match against former Dutch Champion Mark Jacobs and Ghislaine Stigter- van der Tol won her match against Inge Hazeleger.
The final matches were exciting till the last frame. Michell Stinissen needed to strike in the tenth to win the match.he did and won 220-217 over Youri Fens. Ghislaine Stigter-van der Tol needed a double in the tenth to beat Lisanne Breeschoten. She did and took the ticket to Mexico with a 258-248 victory.
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The tickets were presented by the only Dutch World Cup champion Irene Gronert (1987)